
  • Use [val, val2] syntax instead of new Array(len), because preallocating memory for an array is not guaranteed, and the former is less verbose


  • Use { key: 'val', key2: 'val2' } instead of new Object(), as it is less verbose
  • Do not quote keys of object literals, unless they must contain non-alphabet characters
  • Try to use keys in objects which conform to variable naming conventions
  • When iterating over all properties in an object, and accessing keys from the object’s prototype is undesirable, be sure to use the hasOwnProperty check

Without hasOwnProperty check:

for (key in myObject) {
  var value = myObject[key];
  //do stuff with key and value

With the hasOwnProperty check:

for (key in myObject) {
  if (myObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
    var value = myObject[key];
    //do stuff with key and value

Use the former variation, without the hasOwnProperty check, only when you are absolutely certain that there cannot be any properties present on the object that come from its prototype.

A better way than rolling your own would be to use functions in libraries such as UnderscoreJs or LoDash. If you are using ES6 Javascript, you have even more powerful object iteration means at your disposal.


  • Do not compare to true or false, simply use the value of the value directly: Either if (myBool) { /*...*/ }, or if (!myBool) { /*...*/ }
  • Be aware of the difference between true and truthy. Reference


  • Use ' to quote string literals, as a preference over "
  • Use " to quote strings literals which would otherwise contain many escapes single quote marks (\')

Modifying the prototypes of built in types

  • Don’t!
  • It may be convenient to add your own custom implementation of Array.prototype.forEach, and the like, but generally speaking, unless you are developing a low level library, this is a bad idea